Operating a bar may be a fun business venture. Surely you are envisioning how people would flock to your joint and have fun and drown their sorrows away. With all the things that are happening inside, you need to have inventory control because without it, you are just operating your business blindly. The POS system that you are using now is what will help you keep your bar running smoothly so that you get to enjoy it as well.
Imagine your bar as the most happening place in town. People come and drink, ask your bartender to mix drinks for them and order as if there is no tomorrow. Without an inventory control, you will not notice that your stocks are fast running low and you might not have enough to offer for your party tomorrow. As customers order your waiters can give their order slips at the cashier and everything will pass through your POS system and every order places will automatically be counted so that you will have a running inventory of what you are offering.
One less headache would mean more time to enjoy your place together with your guests. Your stock man or even your bartender can alert you if supplies are running low. And all you need to do is to call up your purchaser and give him the list of the stuff that you need. This is how your inventory control should be and with the help of your ever dependable POS system managing your bar is a cinch.